This poor man called on the LORD: Psalm 34


Today’s reading: Psalm 32-35.

This poor man called, and the LORD heard him; he saved him out of all his troubles. Psalm 34:6

Each person is bankrupt when it comes to purchasing salvation. However, no sooner does such a one receive the free gift of salvation, than they inherit all the riches of heaven. They become the child of a father who owns the cattle on a thousand hills. No wonder David could say, “Glorify the LORD with me; let us exalt his name together” (Psalm 34:3).

Jesus said, “blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” He meant that the person who recognized their spiritual poverty had taken an important step on their spiritual journey. Knowing they were bankrupt, could do nothing on their own to save themselves, and knowing they needed a savior, such a person would cry out to God, and God would answer them.

David was such a man. He depended on the LORD rather than human strength. He fought Goliath with God’s strength rather than his own. His report was, ” I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears” (Psalm 34:4). Listen then to David’s description of all God does for the person who cries out to him:

God will deliver them from their fears. Fear, like doubt, is an opponent to faith. When God removes our fear and doubt, faith can grow and faith brings all the substance we hope for.

They will not be ashamed. Shame comes from failure, exposure of weakness, and false accusations. When we are in a right relationship with God, our failings are forgiven, our weaknesses are replaced by His strength, and accusations fall away in the light of our eternal security as God’s child.

God will save them in times of trouble. The believer does not avoid trouble. Devotion to God can even be a source of tribulation. But God promises deliverance out of our troubles.

They will find refuge.  In the safety of God’s strong tower, in his fortress, where the angel of the LORD camps around us, we find blessing and escape condemnation.

God will provide for them. God will ensure that his people lack “no good thing.” They will find strength and sustenance. He will provide protection. He will give his presence and encourage them when they are brokenhearted.

 A cry is all that the poor man brought. He did not go through a long performance; he did not perform a laborious set of ceremonies—”This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him.” What can be simpler? Oh, you think you want a priest, do you?—a priest on whom a bishop has laid his hands? Or you dream that you must go to a holy place, a pile of stones put together in architectural form. Possibly you even dream that you must pine all through Lent, and not expect joy till you reach Easter. What folly is all this! You have but to cry, and the Lord will hear you. There is but one priest—even the Lord Jesus. There is but one holy place—his glorious person. There is but one holy time, and that is to-day. When the Spirit of God works a cry in the heart of the poor man, that cry climbs up to heaven by the way of Jacob’s ladder, and at the same instant mercy comes down by the same ladder. Our Lord Jesus Christ is that ladder which joins earth and heaven together; so that our prayers go up to heaven, and God’s mercy comes down to us on earth. Oh, that men would be content with the blessedly simple apparatus of grace: “This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles”!  – Charles Spurgeon

Image by Cash Luna on Flickr, CC by-nc-sa 2.0

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